The Difference between Recoating and Refinishing

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The Difference between Recoating and Refinishing

Generally, hardwood floors boast durability, but over time, even the most well-maintained floors can turn dull with minor scratches and dents. While restoring the floor to its original appearance is the goal, it's imperative to know the differences between recoating and refinishing.

Understanding the differences helps you determine the best flooring procedures to opt for when the floor is damaged. As flooring experts, our team at Nature Wood Floors can create flooring solutions for your floor. That said, let's define recoating and refinishing before discussing the differences.

What is Recoating?

Recoating is applying a new coat of paint or varnish to hardwood floors. It's a more straightforward and less expensive process than refinishing. Requiring less time and less work, recoating involves cleaning, screening, and applying a new coat of paint.

The process is suitable for dull floors with minor scratches and dents. Moreover, recoating enhances floors' appearance, prolonging their longevity. You should contact hardwood floor suppliers if you're looking to recoat your floors.

What is Refinishing?

Refinishing is a process involving the removal of the topmost layer of finish using a sanding machine. This procedure is recommended when the flooring has been exposed to damage like sun bleaching and scratches.

Refinishing encompasses sanding, staining, sealing, and finishing. A wood flooring supplier can help you with refinishing floors. You can get unfinished hardwood and prefinished hardwood products from Nature Wood Floors.

What's the Difference between Recoating and Refinishing?

Most times, recoating and refinishing are used interchangeably. But, these two processes vary from each other. So, let's consider the differences between them.

First, recoating is a more straightforward and less expensive procedure compared to refinishing. Secondly, the former improves your floor's appearance, leaving your floor brand new. Recoating works for dull floors, giving them a brighter look. Refinishing helps restore uneven color and daily wear.

Thirdly, recoating starts with roughing the existing coat, then applying the fresh coat. Meanwhile, refinishing involves sanding the existing finish, evening the surface, and removing dents. Then, the floor is stained and coated thrice to create a new finish.

Trust Nature Wood Floors for Wholesale Hardwood Flooring

Without a doubt, Nature Wood Floors is a leading wood flooring supplier in the United States. We offer a variety of hardwood floors for residential and commercial buildings.

Whether you need help with maintaining your floors or want the best flooring material, we can offer much more to stay on top of your floor game. In addition, we have numerous hardwood brands, Vinyl brands, and laminate brands.

Our team can walk you through the process if you need to learn the difference between recoating and refinishing. Experts at Nature Wood Floors are certified and trained to give you the best service.  Contact us, and let's give your floor a new look.